1Call1Click.ca Report: May 2021 to December 2023

1Call1Click.ca is happy to share their report with you with information shared from May 2021 to December 2023. To review the report, please click here.
1Call1Click.ca is a service designed to help children, youth and their families connect to the Mental Health, Addictions, and Substance Use Healthcare (MHASUH) they need. 1Call1Click.ca opened its doors on May 31, 2021, and by the end of 2023 had connected with over 18,000 children youth and their families from Eastern Ontario, helping them find the MHASUH they need.
In this document, we summarize the challenges that led to the creation of 1Call1Click.ca, the goals and operations of the service, and the outcomes of the service operations through to the end of 2023. We conclude with an overall discussion of the service and the extent to which it is achieving its goals and how it might continue to do so into the future.
The primary findings from this report are that 1Call1Click.ca appears to be doing well at reaching some marginalized populations, particularly for income, gender, and racial background. An examination of outcomes from the screening tools being used by 1Call1Click.ca indicates that they are aligning well with the Level of Need outcomes and the challenges endorsed by clients. The majority of clients fell between the ages of 7 and 15 years. Nearly ¾ of clients report 2 or more MHASUH challenges when they contact 1Call1Click.ca, and over 60% of clients indicate that they are struggling with anxiety, nearly twice as frequent as the second most frequent challenge, Depression (31.9%). Most urgently, the need for child and youth MHASUH services are significant and growing; nearly 75% of clients are assessed as having moderate or higher levels of need and the service had a nearly 40% increase in intakes during the second year of operation.
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